Jeg skal prøve å følge opp flere av prosjektene med egne sider her på Bildilla Magasin.
Ser nå at det nok vil være lurest å oppdatere sidene med det nyeste stoffet på topp av sidene! Det lages videoer av alle prosjektene etter vært som jeg får gjort noe med de!
Toyota`s Key problem!
How to install new Toyota key shell
Celica, Avensis, Land Cruiser PRADO, Camry, Corolla, YARIS ++
Bildilla Magasin
Toyota’s key problem Toyota’s major weakness has been the car key itself, on many models. The keys are designed to be weak, and the plastic housing around the keys with buttons can (or 90% do) crack over time. How to install new Toyota key Shell / key housing Fortunately, it is not very difficult to replace the key leaf and housing itself. You only need a small star puller. Then you just float over the rubber on the buttons, and the device inside the original key, and onto the new key! You can also buy keys with and without rubber buttons. And you can also buy just the rubber, if you only need to replace it. I can do the grinding of the key land myself, but there are probably very few people who have bought their own equipment for key grinding. But of course it should be a very simple matter for a locksmith to be able to cut it for you!
#carkey #toyota #howto
Toyotas nøkkel problem Toyotas store svakhet har vært selve bilnøkkelen, på veldig mange modeller. Nøklene er konstruert for svake, og plast huset rundt nøklene med knapper, kan ( eller 90% gjør det ) sprekke i stykker over tid. Hvordan installere nytt Toyota key Shell / nøkkel hus Heldigvis så er det ikke så veldig vanskelig å bytte selve nøkkelblad og hus. Man trenger bare en liten stjernetrekker. Så flyter man bare over gummien på knappene, og enheten inne i original nøkkelen, og over på den nye nøkkelen! Man får også kjøpt nøkler med og uten gummiknapper. Og man får også kjøpt bare gummien, viss man trenger å byttet ut kun den. Sliping av nøkkellandet kan jeg gjøre selv, men det er vel de færreste som har kjøpt eget utstyr for nøkkelslipping. Men det bær jo naturligvis være en meget enkel sak for en låsesmed, å kunne kutte den for deg!
DIY / How to change a license plate bulb Toyota Celica 1999 to 2006 Bulb: W5W Bildilla Magasin #toyotacelica #celicamk7 #howto How to change a license plate bulb. When we checked my son’s 2000 model Celica, only one number plate light was defective. But this is an easy job to switch! Need a Phillips screwdriver, and preferably some plastic crowbars for disassembling car interiors. You can also use a large flat screwdriver, but then try to avoid scratching the metal on the tailgate! The bulb used is W5W, which is very common in many places on many different cars!
Hvordan bytte nummerskilt pære. Da vi sjekket sønnens 2000 model Celica, så var det kun et nummerskilt lys som var deffekt. Men dette er en enkel jobb å bytte! Trenger en stjerneskrutekker, og helst noen plast brekkjern for demontering av interiør i biler. Man kan også benytte en stor flattskrutekker, men prøv da å ungå og skrape opp metallet på bakluken! Pæren som benyttes er W5W, som er veldig vanlig på mange plasser på mange ulike biler!
2000 Toyota Celica, How to Replace Rear Brake Calipers 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT T23 – mkVII Bildilla Magasin After several weeks of illness, I try to do some small things. 2000 model The Celica is still in the garage. And nothing has been done with it since I removed the rust on the rear brake discs. Now it was time to Replace Rear Brake Calipers.
Etter flere uker med sykdom, så prøver jeg å få gjort noen småting. 2000 modell Celicaen står fortsatt i garasjen. Og det har ikke blitt gjort noe med den siden jeg fjærnet rusten på bremseskivene bak. Nå var det på tide å bytte bremsekaliperene bak på Celicaen.
DIY / How to: 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT T23 – mkVII Rear barke job part 2 Bildilla Magasin Update on the job whit det 2000 Celica`s rear brakes….. Diy / How to: fix brakes – part 2. The work on the son’s 2000 model Toyota Celica 1.8 GT is progressing slowly but surely. Here I replace the front brake pads. Here are the steps, for a fast and efficient braking job! The challenge with brakes here in Norway is that the roads are salted too much all winter! The salt creates an alarming amount of rust. It affects the brakes, brake pipes, suspension, struts and chassis of the cars. In addition to external rust on the cars, but you can see that. Everything that happens under the car is hidden until you get into trouble ….
Diy / How to: ordne bremser – bakbremser del II. Jobben på sønnens 2000 modell Toyota Celica 1.8 GT , går sakte men sikkert fremover. Her er fremgangsmåten, for en rask og effektiv bremse jobb! Utfordringen med bremser her i Norge, er at veiene saltes alt for mye hele vinteren! Saltet danner urovekkende mye rust. Det går ut over bremser, bremserør, fjæring, stag og understellet på bilene. I tilleg til utvendig rust på bilene, men det ser man jo. Alt det som skjer under bilen, er skjult helt til man får problemer….
DIY / HOW TO FIX FRONT BRAKE PADS Toyota Celica MkVII 1.8 GT – T23 Bildilla Magasin Diy / How to: fix front brakes The work on the son’s 2000 model Toyota Celica 1.8 GT is progressing slowly but surely. Here I replace the front brake pads. Here are the steps, for a fast and efficient braking job! The challenge with brakes here in Norway is that the roads are salted too much all winter! The salt creates an alarming amount of rust. It affects the brakes, brake pipes, suspension, struts and chassis of the cars. In addition to external rust on the cars, but you can see that. Everything that happens under the car is hidden until you get into trouble …. Disclaimer! The videos are made by an untrained mechanic! All the videos are therefore to be regarded as my own experiences, and no conclusion. The videos show what I have done, and the result does not always have to be as desired. Sometimes things go directly wrong, and then I try to find out what went wrong, and try to set a better example so that others will not have to make the same mistake as me. The videos were filmed by myself, and it may have been unknowingly missing to include ALL the details. I try my best to find out what I do and what I find out. But getting cameras in the right places is not always easy! Very important!!! Do not take any chances with safety, neither your own nor anyone else’s! Never work under a car, without and double security. Things can happen, so you must always have extra safety in case something should break or overturn, etc. Working on cars poses a danger no matter what. So be aware, and if you do not feel 100% sure of the result, rather ask others to help you or double check what you have done, before you expose yourself and others to danger!
Diy / How to: ordne frembremser Jobben på sønnens 2000 modell Toyota Celica 1.8 GT , går sakte men sikkert fremover. Her bytter jeg fremre bremseklosser. Her er fremgangsmåten, for en rask og effektiv bremse jobb! Utfordringen med bremser her i Norge, er at veiene saltes alt for mye hele vinteren! Saltet danner urovekkende mye rust. Det går ut over bremser, bremserør, fjæring, stag og understellet på bilene. I tilleg til utvendig rust på bilene, men det ser man jo. Alt det som skjer under bilen, er skjult helt til man får problemer….
DIY / How to: Install New Stabilizer Bar Link 2000 Toyota Celica MkVII T23 – 1.8 GT Bildilla Magasin Video link: DIY / How To Remove front suspension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1odJ… Now the work with suspension on the 2000 Celica has started! Both struts were taken out of the car, in the previous video. Now I disassemble the legs so that I can take out the parts I am going to reuse. A spring has been replaced before, and will be used further. Div, rubber parts + plates in the top of the springs. There will then be new shock absorbers + new springs + new top bearings. This is an easy job. Equipment required is: 14 mm and 5 mm umbraco / allinkey + I had to use an angle cutter to get the old parts.
Nå har arbeidet med suspensjon på 2000 Celicaen startet! Begge fjærbeina ble tatt ut av bilen, i forige video. Nå demontere jeg beina, slik at jeg kan ta ut de delene jeg skal gjenbruke. En fjær er byttet før, og skal brukes videre. Div, gummi deler + platene i toppen av fjærene. Det bler da nye støtdempere + nye fjærer + nye topplager. Dette er en enkel jobb. Utstyr som krevdes er: 14 mm fastnøkkel og 5 mm umbraco, for å holde igjen. + Jeg måtte bruke vinkelkutter, for å få demontert de gamle stagene!
Video 16:
DIY / How To: Install front struts on 2000 Toyota Celica GT 1.8 Celica T23 Bildilla Magasin DIY / How To: Spring and strut assembled in the front https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-olEhqQUB-c After putting the same new struts to the Celica, it was finally warm enough to be able to work in the garage again. Mounting the spring legs is a relatively easy job, when all screws are free of rust, and you do not have to use a lot to disassemble. Tools I used on this: 19 mm 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 5 mm allenkey 16 mm wrench Torque wrench Bolts for spring strings must be tightened to 153 Nm I have tried to add info about sizes in the video! Disclaimer! The videos are made by an untrained mechanic! All the videos are therefore to be regarded as my own experiences, and no conclusion. The videos show what I have done, and the result does not always have to be as desired. Sometimes things go directly wrong, and then I try to find out what went wrong, and try to set a better example so that others will not have to make the same mistake as me. The videos were filmed by myself, and it may have been unknowingly missing to include ALL the details. I try my best to find out what I do and what I find out. But getting cameras in the right places is not always easy! Very important!!! Do not take any chances with safety, neither your own nor anyone else’s! Never work under a car, without and double security. Things can happen, so you must always have extra safety in case something should break or overturn, etc. Working on cars poses a danger no matter what. So be aware, and if you do not feel 100% sure of the result, rather ask others to help you or double check what you have done, before you expose yourself and others to danger!
Etter å ha satt samme nye fjærbein til Celicaen, så var det endelig varmt nok til at man orket å jobbe i garasjen igjen. Å montere fjærbeina er en forholdsviss lett jobb, når alle skruer er fri for rust, og man slipper å bruke mye til å og demontere. Verktøy jeg brukte på dette: 19 mm 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 5 mm allenkey 16 mm fastnøkkel Mommentnøkkel Bolter til fjærbein skal stramme til 153 Nm Jeg har prøvd å legge inn info om størelser i videoen!
Updatet – Important info! New Coil Spring, shock absorbers and top mount – Strut assembled in the front, on the 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT Toyota T23 Bildilla Magasin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember to check this! The plate below the spring, and the plate above the spring, have not centered holes! When assembling together, make sure that the plates are in the same position! Top the plate over the spring, have an arrow. This arrow should point to the side of the car. Or the arrow should point towards the center of the bracket at the bottom of the damper. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video link: DIY / How To Remove front suspension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1odJaZ7v0I Now the work with suspension on the 2000 Celica has started! Both struts were taken out of the car, in the previous video. Now I disassemble the legs so that I can take out the parts I am going to reuse. A spring has been replaced before, and will be used further. Div, rubber parts + plates in the top of the springs. There will then be new shock absorbers + new springs + new top bearings. This is an easy job. Equipment required is: 19 mm and 21 mm cups Clamps to press the spring together Disclaimer! The videos are made by an untrained mechanic! All the videos are therefore to be regarded as my own experiences, and no conclusion. The videos show what I have done, and the result does not always have to be as desired. Sometimes things go directly wrong, and then I try to find out what went wrong, and try to set a better example so that others will not have to make the same mistake as me. The videos were filmed by myself, and it may have been unknowingly missing to include ALL the details. I try my best to find out what I do and what I find out. But getting cameras in the right places is not always easy! Very important!!! Do not take any chances with safety, neither your own nor anyone else’s! Never work under a car, without and double security. Things can happen, so you must always have extra safety in case something should break or overturn, etc. Working on cars poses a danger no matter what. So be aware, and if you do not feel 100% sure of the result, rather ask others to help you or double check what you have done, before you expose yourself and others to danger!
Coil Spring and strut assembely in the front, on det 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Husk sjekke dette! Platen under fjæren, og platen over fjæren, har ikke sentrert hull! Når man monterer sammen, så må man passe på at platene står i samme posisjon! Topp platen over fjæren, har en pil. Denne pilen skal peke ut mot siden av bilen. Eller pilen skal peke mot senter av festet nederst på demperen. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nå har arbeidet med suspensjon på 2000 Celicaen startet! Begge fjærbeina ble tatt ut av bilen, i forige video. Nå demontere jeg beina, slik at jeg kan ta ut de delene jeg skal gjenbruke. En fjær er byttet før, og skal brukes videre. Div, gummi deler + platene i toppen av fjærene. Det bler da nye støtdempere + nye fjærer + nye topplager. Dette er en enkel jobb. Utstyr som krevdes er: 19 mm og 21 mm kopper Klemmer til å presse sammen fjærene
DIY / How To Remove front suspension – 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT – Bildilla Magasin Now the work with suspension on the 2000 Celica has started! Both springs are now taken out of the car! Older video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CjIm6TtEps One of the springs in front, brake straight off. And it wedged firmly behind the tire! Fortunately, this happened when we turnd in at home. Finally after almost a week, I got new springs. I ordered for both sides! The spring I took out looked like it was brand new too. So here’s something else that’s probably bad! I found that the bearing at the top of the spring was poor! But can it kill a good feather? Things may indicate that! Tool: Ratchet with extender. 12 mm 13 mm 17 mm 19 mm 5 mm Unbrako / Unbraco Hope this was helpful! Disclaimer! The videos are made by an untrained mechanic! All the videos are therefore to be regarded as my own experiences, and no conclusion. The videos show what I have done, and the result does not always have to be as desired. Sometimes things go directly wrong, and then I try to find out what went wrong, and try to set a better example so that others will not have to make the same mistake as me. The videos were filmed by myself, and it may have been unknowingly missing to include ALL the details. I try my best to find out what I do and what I find out. But getting cameras in the right places is not always easy! Very important!!! Do not take any chances with safety, neither your own nor anyone else’s! Never work under a car, without and double security. Things can happen, so you must always have extra safety in case something should break or overturn, etc. Working on cars poses a danger no matter what. So be aware, and if you do not feel 100% sure of the result, rather ask others to help you or double check what you have done, before you expose yourself and others to danger!
En av fjærene foran, røk rett av. Og den kilte seg fast bak dekket! Heldigviss skjedde dette da vi svingte inn hjemme, og ikke da var ute å øvelseskjørte med min elste sønn. Endelig etter nesten en uke, så fikk jeg nye fjærer. Jeg bestilte til begge sider! Fjæren jeg tok ut, så ut som den var helt ny også. Så her er det noe annet som trolig er dårlig! Jeg fant ut at lageret i toppen over fjæren, var dårlig! Men kan det ta livet av en god fjær? Ting kan tyde på det! Verktøy: Skralle med forlenger. 12 mm 13 mm 17 mm 19 mm 5 mm Unbrako / Unbraco Håper dette var til hjelp!
DIY / How To: knocking sound in suspension, need help! Toyota Celica Mk7 2000 model 1.8 GT Bildilla Magasin I have done some work on this 2000 model Celica all, but now there has come a serious problem in the front suspension. Here you can hear the sound that came, and it get worse …. I think there are some support balls / rubber in the suspension that have given way. What do you think? If some of you have come across something similar, and maybe can come up with suggestions for where to look for mistakes, it would have been very useful! You see how I have looked for errors in the video, and I have attached a small clip of the sound as it was when I drove the car! Video and more of the sound is also here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-zCDE6bMKE The car have now enterd the garage. Then I will try to go over everything from the suspension and brakes!
bankelyd i fjæring, trenger hjelp! Viss noen av dere har vært borti noe lignende, og kanskje kan komme med forslag til hvor jeg skal lette videre etter feil, så hadde det vært til meget stor nytte! Dere ser hvordan jeg har sett etter feil i videoen, og jeg har lagt ved et lite klipp av lyden slik den var da jeg kjørte bilen! Video med mer av lyden ligger også her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-zCDE6bMKE
The winter project is back in the garage 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT – 1ZZ-FE Bildilla Magasin The first video about the car can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap3GC3ZO58U Then there was finally free time / space in the garage. 2000 The Celica for my oldest boy, needs some work. There is a knocking sound in front of the right side. Probably from a stay. Springs and shock absorbers at the front + top bearing must be replaced. Calipers at the back need to be replaced etc. Now I can start slowly but surely 🙂 In the next video, I hope to get a good overview of parts, I have received, and start laying out a plan for what to do first.
Da var det endelig ledig tid / plass i garasjen. 2000 Celicaen til min gamleste gutt, trenger en del jobb. Det har kommet en bankelyd foran høyre side. Trolig fra et stag. Fjærer og støtdempere foran + topplager skal byttes. Kalipere bak skal byttes osv. Nå kan jeg starte sakte men sikkert 🙂 I neste video, håper jeg å få en god oversikt over deler, jeg har fått, og starte å legge en plan for hva som skal gjøres først.
Parts In from USA – Rock Auto 2000 Toyota Celica – Honda 95 Accord & 83 Civic Bildilla Magasin 1 week delivery from USA, to Norway!!! 2000 model Toyota Celica, suspensjon and brake parts. 1995 Honda Accord 2.2i ES filters and timingbelt / water pump parts. 1983 Honda Civic brakeshoes and wheel bearings.
DIY / How To Install New front spring – 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT – Bildilla Magasin One of the springs in front, brake straight off. And it wedged firmly behind the tire! Fortunately, this happened when we turnd in at home. Finally after almost a week, I got new springs. I ordered for both sides! The spring I took out looked like it was brand new too. So here’s something else that’s probably bad! I found that the bearing at the top of the spring was poor! But can it kill a good feather? Things may indicate that! Tool: Ratchet with extender. 12 mm 13 mm 17 mm 19 mm 5 mm Unbrako / Unbraco Hope this was helpful!
En av fjærene foran, røk rett av. Og den kilte seg fast bak dekket! Heldigviss skjedde dette da vi svingte inn hjemme, og ikke da var ute å øvelseskjørte med min elste sønn. Endelig etter nesten en uke, så fikk jeg nye fjærer. Jeg bestilte til begge sider! Fjæren jeg tok ut, så ut som den var helt ny også. Så her er det noe annet som trolig er dårlig! Jeg fant ut at lageret i toppen over fjæren, var dårlig! Men kan det ta livet av en god fjær? Ting kan tyde på det! Verktøy: Skralle med forlenger. 12 mm 13 mm 17 mm 19 mm 5 mm Unbrako / Unbraco Håper dette var til hjelp!
DIY / How to: Brake job – New part or Overhauling Toyota Celica 2000 – T23 Bildilla Magasin Sometimes it is too expensive to overhaul Brake job, what pays to do? Unfortunately, I got the wrong rubber seal set for the piston. The rubber seals on the slides were also damaged. The piston was very rusty. All in all, buying new parts for and overhauling them is almost as expensive as buying new complete calipers. With that, the project is put on hold until I can get new calipers again.
Noen ganger er det for dyrt å overhale Bremse jobb, hva lønner seg å gjøre? Dessverre fikk jeg feil gummitette sett for stempelet. Gummi tettningene på gliderne var også ødelagt. Stempelet var veldig rustent. Alt i alt, så er det nesten like dyrt, å kjøpe nye deler for og overhale dette, som å bare kjøpe ny komplet kalipper. Der med så blir prosjektet satt på vent, til jeg fklarer å skaffe nye kalippere igjen.
DIY / How To Headlight Restoration – Toyota Celica 1.8 GT – T23 – Bildilla Magasin If you have dull, cloudy or faded headlights! Check out the video to see how easy it is to renovate your plastic headlights at home. How to restore them to a crystal clear finish. #2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT #1ZZ-FE engine
DIY / Hvordan restaurere frontlys – Toyota Celica 1.8 GT – T23 – Bildilla Magasin Hvis du har matte, gulnede, overskyede eller falmede frontlykter! Sjekk ut videoen for å se hvor enkelt det er å renovere plastlyktene dine hjemme. Hvordan gjenopprette dem til en krystallklar finish.
A very simple job, which can give a lot of positive returns !!! In connection with motor cheating, on a friend’s Toyota Camry, the search for a reasonable and good solution started. The solution came when the car suddenly got «check engine light», check the engine in Norwegian. When we read the OBDII code, we got P0113. «P0113 OBD-II Trouble Code: IAT Sensor Circuit High Input Problem» We quickly found that cleaning the Mass Air Flow Sensor / MAF / MAP sensor could fix it ( Mass Air Flow Sensor ). So we went on with fresh courage! Since there was no Mass Air Flow Sensor / MAF / MAP sensor clean up at the local stores, we went for the next option, we were recommended. The brake cleaner should be able to clean this, without leaving any coating, and without damaging metal or plastic. The car’s brake cleaner is a very cheap alternative. les than 4 dollar for a box! The CRC Maas air flow cleaner from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WieJec ( paid link ) When you consider how important this sensor is to how the car’s ECU (computer) determines the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders. Then you will quickly understand that incorrect measurement gives the wrong mix. Which results in failure in fuel utilization, and again others follow problem. They can be: excessive fuel consumption, excessive emissions, internal engine downsizing, catalytic converter failure +++ Since most of my Celiac T23 project dos not, seems to have been taken care of. Yes, I found that the very simple job of removing the Mass Air Flow Sensor / MAF / MAP sensor, inspecting it and possibly cleaning it. Yes it would be a service job, which could quickly have been MUCH more time and cost. As suspected, it turned out that the sensor was totally wrecked, and cleaning (if necessary, replacement) was required. Watch the video for steps on this particular car. (looks it is quite similar to my 2003 Camry, 2003 Land Cruiser, 2000 model Celica too + probably very many others!). How did it go? Watch the video 😉
I forbindelse med motor fusking, på en venn`s Toyota Camry, så startet jakten på en rimelig og god løsning. Løsningen kom da bilen fikk plutselig «sjekk engine light», sjekk motoren på Norsk. Da vi leste av OBDII coden, så fikk vi opp P0113. «P0113 OBD-II Trouble Code: IAT Sensor Circuit High Input Problem» Vi fant fort ut at rens av MAF / MAP sensoren ( luftmengdemåler ), kunne løse det. Så vi gikk på med friskt mot! Siden det ikke var Mass Air Flow Sensor / MAF / MAP sensor rens å oppdrive på de lokale butikkene, så gikk vi for neste alternativ, vi ble anbefalt. Bremserens, skal kunne rense dette, uten å legge igjen noen form for belegg, og uten å skade metall eller plast. Biltemas bremserens er et meget billig alternativ. Under 40,- for en boks! Når man da tenker over hvor viktig denne sensoren er for hvordan bilens ECU ( datamaskin ), bestemmer mengden av drivstoff som blir sprøytet inn i sylindrene. Da vil man fort forstå at feil måling, gir feil blanding. Som resulterer i feil i utnyttelsen av drivstoffet, og igjen andre følge problem. De kan være: for stort drivstoff forbruk, for stort utslipp, nedsoting internt i motor, katalysator feil +++ Siden det meste på min prosjekt Celica T23, ser ut til å ikke være tatt vare på. Ja da fant jeg ut at den meget enkle jobben, med å ta ut MAF /MAP sensoren, inspisere den og eventuelt gjøre den ren. Ja det ville være en service jobb, som fort kunne være vært MYE mer en tiden og kostnaden. Som mistenkt, så viste det seg at sensoren var totalt tilgriset, og rens ( eventuelt bytte ) var påkrevet. Se videoen for fremgangsmåte på akkurat denne bilen. ( ser det er helt likt på min 2003 Camry, 2003 Land Cruiser, 2000 modell Celica også + sikkert veldig mange andre! ). Hvordan gikk det? Se videoen 😉
How to change oil and oil filter | Changing oil is a simple task that does not require much knowledge or special tools. I see several workshops offering oil service, where they suck out the oil, from the top of the engine. This is very fast, but you don’t get the durt out of the bottom of the oil pan !!! It is much better and do it the good old way. Used equipment, on my 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT 10mm wrench 14mm wrench Flat screwdriver It’s a simple process. The only thing you should watch out for is not to screw in the oil filter, the bottom plug and other bolts / nuts too hard! Watch the video for steps! There will be several simple service videos for this car. Engine air filter, spark plug replacement, oil change. Then there will be more around my 1998 Celica after the weather too. The brakes must be fixed. New bricks and washers. Maybe overhauling calipers certainly is required as well. +++ my around several other cars i have + some work for friends!
Hvordan bytte olje og oljefilter Bytte av olje er en enkel oppgave som ikke kreve mye kunnskap eller spesial verktøy. Jeg ser flere verksteder tilbyr olje service, der de suger ut oljen, fra toppen av motoren. Dette er jo veldig raskt, men du får ikke ut dritten som legger seg på bunnen av oljepanna!!! Det er mye bedre og gjøre det på den gode gamle måten. Utstyr brukt, på min 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT 10mm pipenøkkel 14mm pipenøkkel Flatt skruhjern Det er en enkel prosses. Det eneste man bå passe på, er å ikke skru inn olje filteret, bunnpluggen og andre bolter/muttere for hart! Se videoen for fremgangsmåte!
How to replace spark plugs | Replacing spark plugs is a simple task that does not require much knowledge or special tools. Used equipment, on my 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT 4x new plugs 10mm wrench 16mm wrench torque wrench flat screwdriver It’s a simple process. The only thing you need to watch out for is not to screw in the plugs and other bolts / nuts too hard! I figured it should only be 18 Nm on the spark plugs. Watch the video for steps! 1ZZ-FE engine applications: Toyota: Corolla CE/LE/S/VE, Fielder, Runx (Japan), Altis (Asia), Corolla Verso, Allion, Premio, Vista and Vista Ardeo, WiLL VS, Caldina, RAV4, Celica GT, Matrix, Avensis, Opa, Isis, Wish, Lotus Elise Chevrolet Prizm Pontiac Vibe
Hvordan bytte tennplugger. Bytte av tennplugger er en enkel oppgave som ikke kreve mye kunnskap eller spesial verktøy. Utstyr brukt, på min 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT 4x nye plugger 10mm pipenøkkel 16mm pipenøkkel Mømentnøkkel flatt skruhjern Det er en enkel prosses. Det eneste man bå passe på, er å ikke skru inn pluggene og andre bolter/muttere for hart! Jeg fant ut at det skulle være kun 18 Nm på tennpluggene. Se videoen for fremgangsmåte!
DIY / How To Install New Air Filter Toyota Celica 2000+ Mk7 1ZZ-FE engin – code: T230 Bildilla Magasin A simple video on how to change the air filter on a 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 1ZZ-FE. + filling of coolant and window washer fluid. There are many jobs you can do at home, almost without the need for tools. This must be a great start for anyone who has not been up with the hood!
En enkel video om hvordan man skifter luftfilter på en 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 1ZZ-FE. + påfylling av kjøleveske og vindusspylervæske. Det er mange jobber man kan gjøre hjemme, nesten helt uten behov for verktøy. Dette må være en fin start for den som ikke har vært oppe med panseret!
DIY / How To: Install a Cabin Air Filter – 2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT Mk7 – Bildilla Magasin Filter switches are often very simple. Both on the air filter on the engine and on the cup filter. But people do not do this before they go into service at a brand workshop. I recommend most people to take care of their cars and their own health. Clogged air filters to the passenger compartment can give you worse air in the car! It can also escape harmful substances, p.g.a. wear any holes. Clogged filters can also affect air circulation, and ultimately, contribute to and wear out the fan motor. It will be a much harder job, and far more expensive! I have made some simple service videos on the 2004 Corolla, and will try to get many more out on many more cars. Has from: Kia Ceed, Celica 2000 + 1998 + 2003 Camry + 2003 Land Cruiser 120 ++
Filter bytter er ofte meget enkle. Både på luftfilteret på motor og på cupe filter. Men folk lar være å gjøre dette, før de skal inn på service hos merkeverksted. Jeg anbefaller de fleste å passe på bilene sine og sin egen helse. Tette luftfilter til kupeen, kan gi deg dårligere luft i bilen! Det kan også slippe gjennom skadelige stoffer, p.g.a. slitasje eventuelle hull. Tett filter kan også påvirke luft sirkulasjonen, og til sist, være med på og slite ut viftemotoren. Det vil bli en mye vanskligere jobb, og langt dyrere! Jeg har laget noen enkle service videoer på 2004 Corollaen, og skal prøve å få ut mange flere på mange flere biler. Har fra: Kia Ceed, Celica 2000 + 1998 + 2003 Camry + 2003 Land Cruiser 120 +++
2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT Jeg var å hentet ennå en prosjekt bil. Denne lider av samme problem som nesten samtlige av sine med søsken. Den bruker olje, og problemer som kommer av dette. Den trenger å sjekkes over motormessig. Men er det noen som kan si hva som egentlig var det største problemet med 1ZZ-FE motorene? Man hadde kunnet løse problemet bedre, viss mann hadde visst hvorfor så mange av disse slitter med motorene…. Noen påstander: * Trange oljekanaler i blokka…. * For stor klaring mellom stempel og sylinder veggene…. * Oljekanaler i stemplene var for små og gikk tette. Dette gikk på bekostning av stempelringene…. Men er der flere som har lurt på hva som egentlig gjorde at så mange biler på tidlig 2000, brukte så mye olje??? Jeg håper å med din hjelp, prøve å besvare spørsmålet fult ut….
2000 Toyota Celica 1.8 GT I was picking up yet another project car. This suffers from the same problem as almost all of their siblings. It uses oil, and problems that come from it. It needs to be checked over engine. But can anyone say what really was the biggest problem with the 1ZZ-FE engines? One could have solved the problem better, some man had known why so many of these are struggling with the engines …. Some claims: * Narrow oil channels in the block …. * Too much clearance between piston and cylinder wall …. * Oil channels in the pistons were too small and went clogged. This was at the expense of the piston rings …. But are there anyone who has wondered what really made so many cars in the early 2000’s use so much oil ??? I hope that with your help, try to answer the question in full ….