Installerer nye nærlys på 79 Trans Am.

Jeg kjøpte et helt sett med alle 4 nysene fra Rockauto i USA. Lysene var så billige, at det ikke var noe å tenke på! Lykten på venstre side, hadde tatt inn vann, og var koblet feil. Lykten på høyreside, var en fjernlys lykt. Nå er det 2 nye lykter ytterst på vær side, med nærlys og fjernlys! De andre lyktene var i god stand!

Installing new low beam lights on 79 Trans Am.

I bought a complete set of all 4 sneezes from Rockauto in the USA. The candles were so cheap, there was nothing to think about! The light on the left side had taken in water and was connected incorrectly. The light on the right was a high-beam light. Now there are 2 new lights at the far end on the weather side, with low beam and high beam! The other lanterns were in good condition!

Part 1:

#pontiac #79pontiac #firebirdtransam #firebird #bildilla
